GAPP Asset Library

The Association of Genuine Alaska Pollock Producers is excited to provide a library of photo, video, and digital files to better equip our members for raising demand and awareness of Wild Alaska Pollock. With access to high-quality assets, we hope to supply members with the tools and resources need to market the world's best whitefish.

GAPP has thousands of assets available for your use, and MORE are coming. We will be updating the asset library in real-time, adding in fresh new content that will benefit you. So, please keep in mind if you don't see something specific in there, that GAPP staff is on it and working hard to keep content fresh! GAPP also has hundreds of historical assets dating back to as early as 2003. Are you an industry-veteran who has a specific request in mind? Email Jon Ochoa at [email protected] and we can make the requested assets available given reasonable turnaround time. 


How to Access

Asset Library Link

  1. The asset library is password protected, so please take note of Step 2.
  2. Email Jon Ochoa at [email protected] or Craig Morris at [email protected] to request access, noting that you are requesting the password to gain access.
  3. Enter the password on the asset library software, "Box", and explore.


Other ways to access: 

If you have a one-off or single-use request, please email Jon Ochoa at j[email protected] and include in your email what type of content you are in search of. You will receive a response within 24 hours with a link to a specific folder within the asset library that will directly link you to the content you need.

Structure/Library Map

Confidential Photo and Video Request

The Association of Genuine Alaska Pollock Producers (GAPP) has a variety of photo and video asset files it has as a result of various video and photo shoots in Alaska that are available for GAPP members that depict more sensitive industry issues that aren’t suitable for marketing purposes and are not placed in the GAPP asset library open to members. However, these files may be useful to GAPP members for training or other appropriate purposes and are available upon request from members.

Learn more